Testimonials and refferals from Previous Buyers of our Puppies
All testimonials have been copied and pasted from emails that we have received from our puppy owners once they have gotten their puppies home and settled in.
References available upon request
Dear Nevena,
We LOVE Romeo!!! He is the best, sweetest and smartest dog. We could not have made a better choice. Thank you for breeding such a wonderful dog. He has adjusted to our family perfectly. The grand kids love him. I was in the pool with the kids and he started to come in (the picture with the wet head), he actually liked it. He is not afraid of anything and is learning very quickly. Neil already has him going through a tunnel for his agility course and he is almost completely housebroken. He has only had a few "accidents" in the house. I cannot say enough about him. I have referred 3 people to you that think they may want a Havanese. All our friends love him. I have attached a few pictures of Romeo.
Make sure to let me know when you are going to have another litter so that I can let my friends know.
Thank you, thank you, for allowing us to have this wonderful dog!!!
Teddy is so sweet, he is sleeping through the night, is a great playmate for Romeo and a wonderful addition to our family. He loves to sleep in his crate next to the bed at night. He just goes in at bedtime and sleeps all night! I took him to the vet in his crate and he did not want to get out! The vet of course said that he looks great and agreed with the shot schedule that I printed out for him, he said that it is basically what they do now.
Thanks again Nevena, we really love both our dogs that we got from you. You are a great breeder and caring person.
Dear Nevena:
Of course you have been on our mind so much this week! Bandit had a wonderful birthday; yes lots of hugs and lots of treats. There is really no way I could possibly tell you what a joy he has been for both Michael and me. We are the two silliest daddies you could ever imagine. Michael is crazy for him, and very protective too. They love to chase each other and rassle around. I am the disciplinarian in the family, keeping both of them in line. (yes I play too!) Bandit is so smart and it has been fun teaching him little tricks to amaze our family and friends; sit, shake, lay down, turn around, other way, go around, circle and up. He learns them in a day or two max. He loves to go everywhere with us, and I mean everywhere. He is like a magnet to people who want to meet him. We will never go hungry. We could always sit on a corner and collect quarters introducing and talking about our little buddy. Everyone comments on his beautiful markings and how happy he is. They also want to know what kind of a dog he is, and are so surprised We have passed your name along so many times all across the western U.S. You were so right about him. I cannot imagine a dog with a better disposition. You knew he was really special.
I have been following your website with the new babies. We would like to have King George. He is beautiful. I really want to trust your judgement if you feel he will be compatible with our family. I will put a check out this weekend, and let's see how his personality develops over the next few weeks, if that is ok with you?
Thank you again so much,
Ross and Michael
Hi Nevena,
Diego is doing terrific. He had a wonderful birthday with lots of treats and new toys!! (He got more for his birthday than I did, lol) Diego has been a wonderful companion to our family. Our old golden retriever is having trouble walking now. So, It's just a matter of time before he passes on. Having Diego with us will help us deal with this loss when it happens. (He will lick our tears for sure!) He somehow knows our dog is sick and helps him clean himself but he also respects him. It is the cutest thing.
Our little guy is very smart. We have been through obedience training and Diego, of course, was the star of the class. He is very eager to please. I swear he understands every word we say!!
We have been on your web site still thinking of a playmate for Diego. My oldest was married this summer and I was so busy with all of that that I knew the timing wasn't right. I will say that I will have a hard time, when the time comes, picking out another puppy. My Diego is absolutely gorgeous!! Anyone who meets him and knows his breed tells us that he is the most beautiful havanese they have ever seen!!
Well, enough of my bragging!! Hope all is well with you. I can see you have been very busy!!!
Hi Nevena, Thought you might like to see Diego in his skeleton costume for Halloween.
He just loves to dress up. Love ya, Josie
Thank you so much for taking such good care of your dogs and the puppies. Fidel (that's what we call him) is doing great. He's very easy going and smart. He's only had one accident in the house and that was the first day. There's been no accidents at all today and he's been allowed to roam free. I am very impressed with this little smart guy. He seems to understand we want him to go to the bathroom outside. He sleeps in his crate with no troubles at all. He cried a little bit, 2-3 minutes, the first night and has been great the second night. He's also wonderful with children, my kids love him and all their friends think he's great. He lets everyone hold him and he's gentle and loving to all.
Thanks again for the wonderful puppy.
Thanks for the photo of Moochi. Fidel does look like him. We love Fidel. He is the king of our home and all of our friends and neighbors say so. We know the Gillbergs will be very happy with their puppy girl. Arden was very excited and she was showing me the photos on your web site.
Thanks again for such wonderful dogs.
We could not be happier with Fidel. He's such a wonderful guy. He's more than what we had hoped for in a dog. We love him to pieces.
I am sure my neighbors, the Gillberg will love their puppy and will take great care of her. They are a fabulous family.
I've attached a photo of Fidel this week after he was groomed.
Take care
Fidel is such a good boy, we all love him. No one ever comes to the house without talking to Fidel.
I wanted to drop you a line and tell you that Max has grown into a very welcome member of our family. He has doubled in size and is the friendly dog i have ever had. I was also very interested in getting another puppy. I see you have another litter coming up and wanted to see if it was possible to get one of them. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks
I will send over some pictures tonight. It would be great that when I get another puppy I will bring Max with me so you can see him. He is absolutly the most delightful dog and he has so much fun with my other dogs. My other 2 dogs also love playing with Max and have become more active since we got Max.

Hi Nevena;
Just a little note to bring you up to date on Daisey. We now call her princess Sophia (Sophie for short) the cats all have regal names (prince Tazule and sir Casper Leopold) so our little girl needed a regal name as well. She is really doing well she weighs 4.6 lbs now, is a good eater, loves to play, chases the cats they love her too, sometime she takes a nap laying on Tazule and he doesn't mind a bit. and she is just a delightful companion. I take her everywhere with me. The new pupppies on your website are just beautiful! I see you still have Lilly. I wish I had thought of it at the time Linda pickedup Daisey I should have asked you for Lilly as well. The 2 of them would have been great playmates. She gets to play with other dogs one or two times a week and she loves it. It would have been nice for her to have a permanent playmate at home. She has been to her vet and checked out great. She is going to her groomer next Wednesday. That kind of brings you up to date. She is a very happy little girl and we just love her.
Thank you Mommy Donatella and grandma Nevena, I had a wonderful birthday and even went to the park for play time. I can't wait to meet my sister! Geri said she is just as beautiful as I am.
Hi Nevena;
Just want to let you know Clara arrived safe and sound. Linda said she was very good on the plane. She is very sweet and beautiful. Her and Sophie are getting along very well. They play together all day. Sophie is a little bit dominent with her but I think she's just making sure Clara knows who is boss. I'll keep you posted on her progress.
Hi Nevena;
Just a note to let you know how much we are enjoying Clara. We tried all different names and finally decided to call her Moochie. Mostly because she loves to eat so much. She is always looking for treats and wants to taste everything we might be eating. There is also a old song called Minnie the Mooch about a woman who is always looking for more than she is entitled to. Moochie suits her and she responds to us calling her that. Sophie and Moochie really rough house all day long. We all really love her she is very sweet and smart. I might have to buy a bigger bed since she and Sophie and the cats all climb into the bed each night. I'm glad I didn't wait for the next litter to get a black/white female. She is just beautiful and fits into our home perfectly.
Hi Nevena! Just wanted to let you know what a good boy we have in "Cisco" . He is extremely compliant. He is about 90 percent potty trained and learned quickly to "sit", "lay down". "shake hands", "speak","come" and "stay"and he is not yet 3 months old. He is a very hungry puppy! The vet wants me to go to 2 meals a day but I don't think I will be able to as he is always starving! He has been sleeping through the nite from 10pm until 6:30-7am. Overall he is just the"smartest" puppy I have ever encountered! (Do all your other adoptive parents say that too?) Even my husband has been enjoying him and the cats are tolerating him. He looks just like Isabella as you can see. He has his 3rd vaccination next week. Hope all your other puppies are doing well! Thank you for this adorable member of our family! Sincerely, Sherri
Cisco likes the cats but they still hiss at him. They have been pretty much staying away from him on the other side of the house so there really isn't that much contact or conflict. He would like to play with them if they would let him. He went to play with Karen Snyder's puppy Cholla on Wednesday and he LOVES her!! He really is so friendly and he will play nicely with all other dogs.
Hi Nevena, All your litters are gorgeous. I will have to get Cisco a baby sister one day!
He turned out exactly as we had hoped when we were looking for a puppy. As Ed had said (he did not ever want a dog!) "the only thing wrong with Cisco is I love him too much!!! " He is now 14 months old and just a big darling boy. He sleeps at the foot of our bed and at 6:45AM when he needs to go out he come up and licks my ear. What a great way to wake up! I don't use the kennel much anymore but it was very useful when he was a puppy. Everone in the neighborhood knows him as he is sooo friendly and loving. The groomers think he is beautiful and people always stop to compliment him! Thank you so-o-o much! Sherri
Thanks for the continued e-mails on puppy care!! The kids named the puppy Ruby and she is the best puppy ever! I can't thank you enough.....! We are enjoying her so much and she has brought so much joy to our family. Hope you are having a great summer.
Just want to thank you again. We took Mocha to the vet and not only did she get a clean bill of health, the vet said that she had been extremely well cared for and that you had done an excellent job with the crate training. He said that all the instructions you had for us were great. He also said that while the office has several Havanese 'patients' , none of them were as beautiful a dog as she. He was also excited to see a chocolate one for the first time.
Again, we want to thank you. She is doing great.
We are having a ball with the puppy. Mocha as we now call her, is doing great. She is happy, healthy and a typical puppy. Her favorite thing in the morning is to run upstairs and wake up whoever may be sleeping. She loves to play ball and still plays with the pig she came with. She loves kids, adult - anyone, and the 'playdates' we have had with our friends' dogs are wonderful for her.
She has lots of toys and is eating well. She would love to eat all day but we obviously don't do that. She is still eating the Flint River food plus eggs, chicken and other healthy things. She is set to be spayed the middle of March. We are spending lots of time with her. My husband works out of our house and we also have a nanny that is there during the day. When she is alone she is in the kitchen and there have been no issues.
We love her dearly and have friends who may be contacting you at some point as they love out dog so much they now want one. I need to take some updated pictures and will e-mail you them when I do.
Thank you again for bringing Mocha into our lives.
It was truly a great day all around. Meeting you and your dogs and puppies was a highlight! Having Vegas home with us now is just wonderful! He traveled so well. He was in a car, on a bus, on a train, on a plane and in a truck without any problems or noise. What a perfect travel companion!
We drove to the vets and got the health certificated within 30 minutes. They were really nice there. If we lived in Vegas I would choose them as our vet too! We then drove to the airport and Vegas slept the whole way. At the car rental return place we got a bus to the terminal and in the terminal we road a train to our gate. He made it thought security where he was a big hit with several folks. He went on elevators and escalators and up and down stair and was walked through several terminal. We had a 2 hour delay for our flight so I took him out of the traveling case and let him play. The few people who were around fell in love with him. He was easy to watch and see when he needed to pee so I was able to slide paper towels under him and catch all of it. He peed that one time and was OK until we got home and outside to his area. He settled in once the plane took off and slept the whole time. He did throw up a little yellow liquid on the final leg of the trip as we were about 10 blocks from our home. I think he had just had enough! He did such a super job of staying in the travel case and being quiet.
My daughter and he instantly took to each other. Mei Le was on the floor with him for the whole time and I think he thinks she is his new sibling! Mei Le was telling us to keep quiet because we were talking and the puppy had laid down so she thought he was going to sleep. Mei Le is very much wanting to take care of Vegas and makes sure we all meet his needs! He slept with my husband and me last night in his traveling case right next to our bed in our room and at 1 woke up so I took him out. Right away he peed and we were both back to sleep in less then 10 minutes. He then slept until 5:45 (usually we are up at 5 to exercise but today I was sleeping in) and then whimpered so I took him out and again he peep right away. He has had breakfast, some light training “come Vegas and sit Vegas” and a big play session. Now he is pooped out and resting as the first picture shows.
He is so great. We are so lucky and thankful. A million thanks for letting us have this special addition to our family. I will send occasional photos as he grows and so you can see what he is doing in his new environment. By the way…he totally loves the blanket and toy you sent with him. I think it really does remind him of his mom and brothers.
Thank you again. Take care
Hi Nevena. Vegas continues to do really well. He is such a joy and too much fun to be with. He got a 100% clean bill of health from the vet who also said it looked like he was adjusting to us quite easily. He commented that you (the breeder) must have been really good with the puppy.
Hi Nevena,
Vegas is such a joy. He has a strong sense of curiosity even if he thinks he should run and hide first then come back and investigate. Even with him in the “fear” weeks 8-10 he still let’s his curiosity win over his fear. He and my daughter bonded the first night and now the two do everything together. He is a home body and we love that. When we take walks in the neighborhood he keeps looking back towards home and trying to go that way instead of on the walk. Finally, he gets that if we go around the block he will be on his way home so he starts running and we have to keep up with him. On the walk if he sits down and won’t go we tell him, “where is your little girl?” and he will run towards Mei Le. He is a really smart dog. He has met our elderly neighbors and Mei Le’s grandparents and did great around them all. He would sit in their lap and let them pet him. He has been great around the little kids he has met too. We have kept him away from other dogs but he has a healthy curiosity about them just the same. Tomorrow we take him to our vet. In doing the research I found that we do not have heartworm but can have ticks so I will see what the vet recommends tomorrow. It seems like he grows over night so it will be fun to see what he weighs tomorrow too. He had his first official bath today and seemed to do pretty well with it all.
Just wanted to let you see what a wonderful dog he is growing into. Many thanks.
Vegas is such a great dog! He went with the family to Aberdeen (2 hours south and west of Seattle ) for the weekend and loved being on a 1 acre space of grass and bushes! He ran and ran to his little heart’s content! But even when he is running like the wind he stay fairly close to me or the person he is outside with. He is a real people’s puppy and loves to be involved in everything the family is doing. One of his favorite things to do is to sit in my lap during Mei Le’s violin practice sessions each morning.
His coloring is just beautiful and his face is adorable. He is everything we were looking for in a puppy/dog…and more. Thank you again for the opportunity to have him in our lives.
I got the comb and brush you recommended. Thank you so much for your recommendation.
WOW. Pablo is a different dog with these tools. He does just like you described happens with your dogs - he falls asleep when I comb and brush him now!!
These are the greatest dog grooming tools of all time. I also got a set for Ramona's Havanese Charlie, and now he lets her groom him without a fuss too (he used to be really wiggly before). I can't believe what a difference these things have made. Dog's actually enjoy being brushed and combed now with them.
Hope all is well with you and the dogs.
Thanks again! =)
Elena is such a beautiful girl. I'm so happy that Pablo is her puppy. (And Picasso too. Maybe someday I'll have to get a chocolate puppy from you.)
Pablo has been taking obedience classes. We're starting his second one in January. So far, he's one of the best trained dogs in the whole class. He's very enthusiastic and a quick learner. The teacher uses him as an example dog in front of the class for many things.
Hope you have a nice holiday!
I am so happy with Pablo. I couldn't imagine life without the little guy now.
Last Sunday we started his second obedience class. So far its looking like its going to be a real good quality class, even better than the last one.
We are having lots of fun with Annie. Everyone here just loves her. She is such a good girl, she adapted to her new home without any fuss or bother. We have been training her already to simple commands, sit, down, and come. She is a very quick study, as long as she knows we have a treat waiting for her. She loves her Baa-Baa-Q's. We just love her to pieces and think we are the luckiest parents in the world.
Thank You again, Don and Louise
Louise has this trick where she sends Annie to the back and when she holds her arms as shown, Annie runs and jumps through her arms.
Don and Louise
Cholla is so cute. She is about 11 punds and so much fun. The smartest dog in her class at doggy grade school! I want to train her to be a therapy dog but she is a licker. She licks everbody and we all love it!!! A kisser and a lover, I should say! Karen
Hi Nevena,
Rich and I would love to get another puppy from you down the road due to we still have our 12 year old husky.
Rich wants another puppy from Elena
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to you!!! karen
Hi again,
When is Elena's next litter? I wish I could have Elena!!!! I know she is your soul sister!!!! Karen
Things are going well with Cholla and Panda. They play and chase and get along.
Panda is the sweetest puppy in the world! I adore her! She loves Chola! A beautiful girl!
Hi Nevena,
Just wanted to check in with you. Elvis is doing great! Everybody just loves him! He's happy, playful and sleeps great, too! He's been sleeping through the night for the last 3 nights, from 8:30-6am. Incredible!
He's growing fast already, too.
He is a joy to have! Great little personality.
Hope you're doing well,
Hi Nevena,
Elvis is doing great! Everyone just loves him where ever I go and I take him everywhere! I've told so many people about your website. You may have future buyers!
When do you plan next to breed and which females would you be breeding? I have friends who love Elvis and might be ready for a Havanese sometime and I could definitely see having another one of Elena's pups in the future.
I just can't express how happy we are with Elvis. What an INCREDIBLE breed this is! And he attracts so much attention where ever he goes because he can hang out, be mellow, be happy, be hilarious!
When would Elena likely be bred again? Is it just once a year or is it twice?
Thanks again,
Lucy is the prettiest girl I have ever seen! She speaks with her eyes and loves with her heart. She feels with me when I am sad and she purrs in my ear with her love. She is unconditional and the sweetest dog ever! She is the apple of my eye and loves me like no other and I don't know what I would do without her and she would be lost without me! Thank you Nevena! ❤❤❤
We can't thank you enough for breeding the best dogs ever! Lucy and Elvis have welcomed Summer and they are now a trio! They are having so much fun racing around and playing together and they all sleep on the same bed. Summer is so sweet and loving and rubs against my legs like a cat. They all have different personalities but all three are sweet and wonderful, real live teddy bears who want to be with us, please us, and cuddle in our laps. My groomer met Summer and said she has the structure of a show dog and she couldn't get enough of Summer's kisses! What joy they have brought to the lives of us and our kids. Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your dedication to the Havanese breed so we get to enjoy the incredible pups you have brought into this world!
Barbara and family
Hi Nevena,
I'm going to sound like all Havanese owners...."I love my Havanese!!". Pablo is an absolutely fantastic pup. He loves people (adults and children) and other dogs and he is relatively fearless. He is my constant companion, I take him everywhere. He is a great walker too. I'm very glad I have one of your dogs.
I hope all is well with you and your dogs and all the litters are healthy.
Hi Nevena!
Oso has been a true joy and so much fun! VERY loving, owner oriented and full of it! I had a vet for many years who retired before we got Oso so never saw him. He missed his profession so much that he has come back to work. Yesterday I took Oso to see the vet. He said he has seen many Havanese but never one as nice as Oso. He raved over his conformation, health, temperament. He is so solid, steady and friendly - just stood for the vet as if he were being judged in a dog show and then licking the vet when he was through. He said his teeth are remarkable,etc,etc.
With appreciation,
Hi Nevena,
We are enjoying our pup so much and so is our older dog! They are best friends and have sooo much fun together. The oup walks so well on the leash. It is quite amazing. From the 1st day he walks in heel position and never seems to pull!
We had house guests who fell in love with Oso and wanted to take him home. Never!!!He is a life member of our family and we love him soooo much! Thanks again for letting us chose the best one for "us"! We know we chose the right one.
The vet says Oso has such perfect conformation, coat,etc that he could be a Champion! Isn`t that wonderful? He will be OUR Champion with no showing except perhaps in Obedience. He had his 1st professional grooming and looks fabulous! He is a GEM!!!!he vet says Oso has such perfect conformation, coat,etc that he could be a Champion! Isn`t that wonderful? He will be OUR Champion with no showing except perhaps in Obedience. He had his 1st professional grooming and looks fabulous! He is a GEM!!!!
Hi Nevena: We just wanted to give you an update on the puppy we adopted from you back in December of last year. We heard about you from my cousin who was also getting one of your puppies. Originally, we intended on getting one of your younger puppies. However, when we arrived to your home, you introduced us to two puppies from your prior litter, which were now five months old. Well, little Desi, just stole our hearts. After looking at his beautiful hazel eyes and seeing how loving he was, we just couldn't take any other doggie but him! It turns out we were right in our choice because Desi, who just turned a year old on June 6, is the most beautiful and loving dog we have ever had! He is intelligent and always wants to please. Desi has turned out to be a great little traveller! We take him everywhere with us. He loves to play with all of his toys and especially loves his little ball that you sent home with him! Desi and my cousin's Havanese dog she got from you, Rex, get along great! Rex is a wonderful dog as well! Thank you for taking such care to breed these beautiful animals so healthy and full of love! We knew you were a great breeder when we saw how careful you were about their health and how much Desi loved you! After having had a very bad experience with a puppy we purchased from a bad breeder many years ago, we were a little scared to get another puppy. But you truly love these animals, and it shows in what great dogs they are! Thank you again for this great addition to our family!
Carmen and Lisette
Hi Nevena!
Rex is now 8 months old and a bundle of fun! He has completely stolen the heart of each family member and has bonded beautifully with our 3 year old Havanese, Dash. In fact, when we decided to bring a second dog into our family we only considered another Havanese, having had such a wonderful experience with our first Havanese. Finding a reputable breeder was our top priority and we feel that is exactly what we found with you, Nevena. Rex is not only in top physical health but temperamentally he is a complete joy. He just loves to be included in all family activities and is a great little traveler, but he’s equally content to lie beside you and have his tummy tickled (a favorite morning ritual J). It’s so much fun to see him play with Dash and his half-brother, Desi, another one of your beautiful dogs adopted by my cousin’s family! We are so happy to have Rex in our family and thank you, again, for breeding such wonderful dogs!
The Martellos
Hey Nevena, I hope all is well. I am writing to let you know that Julia- now our Molly- is doing great. Her spunky yet lovable personality make her the perfect addition to our family. Everyone who meets her loves her and says that she could be a model on the cover of a dog magazine....haha! She's perfect. Thank you for breeding such a wonderful little dog!!! I check your site often to see what new puppies you have available and hope to someday get another havanese. I'm also trying to convince my mom to get one as well... I'm not having much luck yet, but I keep trying---we'll see! Attached you will find a few current pictures of Molly along with a copy of her spay certificate. Thanks again for everything. ~Marissa
Hi Nevena,
I wanted to send you an update and photos of our (Smiley) McKenzie. He is healthy and doing very well. As you can see he has a beautiful thick and silky coat. He has been very easy to train, learns things very quickly. He will graduate from beginner’s puppy training this week, and registered for the intermediate education. He loves to go with us everywhere and is calm and quite while traveling- it is amazing. He's become such a big part of our family. We are very glad that he's with us. He is a very special boy and we love him so very much and are so thankful for your attention to breeding and care for your dogs and pups. We enjoy your web-site of the new arrivals and growing pups. What joy they will bring to other families.
In the future we would like to get another male Havanese from you. We are waiting for the right timing to have a new puppy. We are leaning toward a tri-color to have a difference between McKenzie.
When I look at the baby girl and baby boy photos on the website McKenzie sets next to me while listening to the lovely song by Dusty. That is where it all began for us to now have our precious McKenzie.
We hope that you are well.
Best regards,
Donna, David and McKenzie.
A quick note to let you know all is well. We are safe at home with our new bundle of joy! She is beautiful and is "little" girl. She is adjusting well and is in a good home.
Thank you for everything. We will stay in touch and send photos in the future.
Best Regards,
Hi Nevena,
I hope this finds you well. It has been 2 months since we brought home Romeo & Cupid (now known as Bongo & Mojo). What little bundles of joy! I am so glad we got two! They couldn't be more fun and absolutely adore each other. Play, play, play all day, with a few naps and walks in between. I am constantly amazed at how smart they are. As you know, we had two large Huskies we had to put down last year so we didn't know what to expect from a small dog, but what we have found is these are big dogs in a little body. They are so confident! They love meeting new people and are so good with kids.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your dedication to maintaining this breed and for allowing us to grow our furry family with these guys. Can't picture my life without them!
Shawn & James
Hello Nevena,
How are you? Monty is still great and more beautiful then ever. He has been doing agility training for several months and he is great at it and just loves it. He is a natural performer. I wish you could see how beautiful he is when he is running a course with the wind in his hair and his beautiful white beard flowing in the wind. It is something to see. He is so good at it; his trainer wants to take him to some competitions. I have not said I will let her, but maybe…. I just don’t know.
To start out I had not had dogs for a long time because both my husband and I work and I did not want to leave a puppy home alone for a long time. Then someone said “just get two to keep each other company” so I did. I do work part-time and the dogs are not alone more than 4 hours at a time. Since I had not had dogs for so long, I wanted to research to be sure I was happy with my purchase. I did not want a dog that sheds, we have small yards here in Las Vegas so I wanted small dogs, but I wanted them sturdy and playful. This is how I settled on Havanese which I had never heard of before I did my research. Nevena Havanese was the only breeder in Las Vegas so next I researched this site and breeder. I visited the house several times and Nevena was always welcoming and able to answer any questions that I had. Before we entered the house we take off our shoes, we are asked to wear freshly laundered clothes and once inside we use anti bacterial wipes if we were going to handle puppies. The puppies are raised in her home and are not caged, but kept together in a dog playpen (fencing). When I saw the puppies they were always in her living room which she keeps for the purpose of showing the puppies. Hardwood floors and a leather sectional. I saw both the parents and even other adults that she has. I feel that she is meticulous about protecting her dogs from any chance of infection, viruses, worms etc from outside sources. She has all of her breeding females and males extensively health tested. I liked that they are raised in her home by Nevena. She takes care of them herself and does not have others doing that job. I feel that she is very professional about her breeding. She is very particular about “adopting out” her puppies, she really cares that they go to a good home. I asked her to watch the puppies and pick two that got along and played together well. That’s how I got Lucy and Charlie Brown. They have been a joy. My vet wrote “fantastic” on my first check up with them. He was very impressed with their health, confirmation, teeth etc. They tested negative for worms which he said is hard to do with puppies since they are into everything. (But Nevena told me her puppies never have worms). I bought Lucy and Charlie’s littermate sister Bella for my granddaughter a couple of weeks later. Little white girl Bella was her birthday present from me. Sorry to be so lengthy, but I am so happy with my dogs and I feel Nevena is so conscientious about her breeding and raising of her dogs that I cannot say enough. I actually bought another dog from her dark chocolate and white girl Sissy. All my “kids” have never had any problems, not even worms! They each have their own personalities, but all are fun loving and eager to please. Their best day is spent just being with you. They all play together and entertain me and my husband every day. My neighbor fell in love with my dogs and bought total of three puppies from Nevena. She recently told me it was the best money she ever spent! Nevena really wants puppies to get a good start. She is always available if you have questions and actually sits down with you when you get a puppy and goes over several printed information sheets and sends the puppy home with a blanket its mother slept with and toys, food and treats.
I don’t think you could find a more caring or dedicated breeder. She really wants to find the right home for each puppy and if you tell her the personality that appeals to you most she really knows which puppy or puppies would fit best with you. I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Linda
Hi Nevena.
Just wanted to let you know that the puppy is doing just great. He's adjusting really well to his new home and Pablo is being good with him and accepting him into the pack. This morning they were laying together in the same dog bed. :)
Hope all is well with you and dogs and puppies.
Hi Nevena,
I wanted to tell you, raising the new puppy Diego has been a lot easier than Pablo was, as a single dog.
Since Diego has Pablo around he's learned a lot just by watching his big brother Pablo. He's learned a lot faster because of this and its made our job raising him easier. I didn't know that having a second dog was going to end up being easier than just having one dog. =) For example, he's not perfect yet at being house trained for the bathroom, but how quickly he's learning is amazing. We don't have to watch him in the house nearly as closely as we did with Pablo at his age.
Diego is also 1/2 though his first puppy school class and has been doing great. He's very smart and learned sit, down, stay pretty quickly.
Talk to you later. Take care!
Nevena the baby's are doing just wonderful !!!! They were perfect little angels on the plane and car ride home. I can not believe how smart,sweet,loving, funny, adorable, and entertaining they are. I'm doing everything you told me and we are getting a schedule down :) We potty first thing in the morning & then they ate for about 15 minutes.... Then we go set outside and they potty & play for 30 minutes or so in the grass.... Until they are just laying down & are ready to back inside. Then I put them in the travel pen for an hour or so to play chewing on bully sticks...Then we come back out & repeat the potty process every so often .... Then they nap for a couple of hours in their new crate and now .... were just repeating the whole process all over again until time for bed.
They slept all thru their first night home .... right next to my bed .... Not a sound........That is just too good to be true :)
They are just perfect in every way & I am so glad I got them both. They are so loved !!!!
Thanks for continuing to educate me on this process.... You have made it so easy & enjoyable :)
Best regards,
Hi Nevena,
Greetings from Canyon Lake:
We just absolutely love our puppies, Ollie and Sadie, 10 months old.
We were only going to get one puppy, but decided on two. We are so glad we did.
You were so right! They keep each other company, and they always play together. They are such a joy to us. They are sweet and good natured all the time. We are so happy and blessed to have this sweet addition to our family.
Sherry and Greg
Hi Nevena,
How are you?
They LOVED running through the water at Ocean Beach dog beach!
Hav hugs,
Hi Nevena,
It has been over a year since we brought home two of your puppies. When I first met Isabella she stole my heart as soon as I walked through your door even though I initially was thinking of getting a younger puppy. She was four months old and was so energetic, sweet and beautiful. I knew she was the one. We have had a special bond ever since. She is a big dog at heart and is very intelligent. She has been very playful and remains that way till this day even though she is all grown up now.
A few months after Isabella’s arrival in our home we decided to have another puppy and this time a cute little boy Angelo joined our family. He adjusted to a new home very fast even though he was so young. He imitated Isabella in everything and she was so excited to have a companion. They have been having a fun time growing up together and playing rough-house. They love to steal from each other… toys, chews, paper balls, anything. It is hilarious.
Angelo has grown up to be a gorgeous looking Havanese.
I can’t imagine how we lived without them before. They are very affectionate and always seem happy. They want to be with us all the time. They are great with our cats, too.
We often take them for hikes in the mountains and walks in the park. They also love to run perhaps even more so than to hike.
They both ride great in the car and are very calm and patient even if it is a long ride.
They are different personalities and both complement each other.
I am glad we have them both.